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Quake 2 su windows XP..soluzione

MessaggioInviato: 15 feb 2003, 15:28
di carlo
Ho un vecchio cd di Quake2 , che ho ritrovato in un cassetto,la voglia di riprovare il gioco era grande,ma....con mio stupore vedo che sia in Win2000 che XP nn si installa, ho girovagato un po' per trovare la soluzione ecco quì di seguito un copia-incolla della soluzione di chi come me vuole riprovare l' ebrezza di Q2

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Question: Will this game run on Windows 2000 or Windows XP?

Solution: This game should run on those operating systems. Should you have any problems, try installing the game manually.

The following are the instructions for manually installing the game, there is a maximum, medium, and minimum install.

· Manual install - Maximum

1) Click on START / Programs / MS-DOS Prompt ( for WinXP users: START / All Programs / Accessories / Command prompt)

2) In the DOS Session type the following:

cd\(press the Enter key)
md quake2 (press the Enter key)
cd\quake2 (press the Enter key)
xcopy d:\install\data\*.* /s/e/v (press the Enter key)

3) After it's done copying the files, type "Exit" and then press the Enter key. You should now be back in Windows.

4) Now Double-click on the My Computer icon, then your C: drive and then the "Quake2" folder.

5) Right-click on the file called: Quake2.exe (it will look like a white window with a blue title bar at the top) from the menu that pops up, choose "Copy".

6) Now close all the windows and right-click on the Desktop of Windows and select "Paste Shortcut".

7) Next, right-click on the "Shortcut to Quake2" and choose "Properties". Click on the "Shortcut" tab at the top.

8) In the section that says "Target", add the following to the end of the line (after adding a space):

+set cddir D:\install\data +set basedir C:\QUAKE2

It should look like this when you're done:

C:\Quake2\quake2.exe +set cddir D:\install\data +set basedir C:\QUAKE2

9) Click on "Apply" and then "Ok"

10) To run Quake 2, double-click on the "Shortcut to Quake2" icon.

· Manual install - Medium (225 MB)

1) Open Windows Explorer, then open your hard drive. Make a new folder on the root of your hard drive (eg QUAKE2).

2) Open the Quake2 folder and create a subfolder called BASEQ2.

3) Open the CD-ROM drive with Explorer to browse the contents of the Quake2 CD. Open the Install folder, then the data folder.

4) Copy ALL the contents of the DATA folder EXCEPT THE BASEQ2 Folder into the other one on your hard drive (which you previously created).

5) Open the BASEQ2 folder on the CD and copy ALL the files located there (EXCEPT THE VIDEO FOLDER) to the BASEQ2 folder on your C: drive.

6) Right-click on the Quake2.exe file (the one located on your hard drive) and select Create Shortcut.

7) Right-click on this new shortcut and select Properties > Shortcut > and under target add:

+set cddir y:\install\data +set basedir x:\zzzzzzz

(Where Y is the CD-ROM drive letter you installed from and X is the drive you installed to. Zzzzzz represents the folder you copied the game to on your hard drive)

For example: If you copied the files to your C:\Quake2 folder, then your shortcut should look like this:
C:\Quake2\Quake2.exe +set cddir c:\quake2 +set basedir c:\quake2
8) Click on Apply, then OK. Double-click on this shortcut to run the game.

· Manual install - Minimum

1) Open Windows explorer, then open your hard drive. Make a new folder on the root of your hard drive (eg QUAKE2).

2) Open the Quake2 folder and create a subfolder called BASEQ2.

3) Open the CD-ROM drive with Explorer to browse the contents of the Quake2 CD. Open the Install folder, then the data folder.

4) Copy ALL the contents of the DATA folder EXCEPT THE BASEQ2 Folder into the other one on your hard drive (which you previously created).

5) Open the BASEQ2 folder on the CD and copy ONLY the Players folder, and GAMEX86.DLL to the BASEQ2 folder onto your C: drive.

6) Right-click on the Quake2.exe file (the one located on your hard drive) and select Create Shortcut.

7) Right-click on this new shortcut and select Properties > Shortcut > and under target add:

+set cddir y:\install\data +set basedir x:\zzzzzzz

(Where Y the CD-ROM drive letter you installed from and X is the drive you installed to. Zzzzzz represents the folder you copied the game to on your hard drive)

For example: If you copied the files to your C:\Quake2 folder, then your shortcut should look like this---

C:\Quake2\Quake2.exe +set cddir d:\install\data +set basedir c:\quake2

8) Click on Apply, then OK. Double-click on this shortcut to run the game.